The NFTruman collection was inspired by The Truman Show (1998), starring Jim Carrey, where a child is adopted by a corporation and used as the star of their twenty-four hour show about his life.
These days, the idea of a twenty-four hour stream of someone’s life is normal, but they still don’t touch on the human condition the way The Truman Show would if it were real. With NFTruman, we get to see snapshots of his life from his birth until death.
He will never escape his NFT world…
He will never find out that we are watching and voting on his life events…
And he will remind us all that we are more the same than we are different.
The Collection
NFTruman will update daily between January 1 and December 31, 2022.
Any days missed due to technical or logistical reasons will be updated on twitter once it becomes clear there will be no upload that day. An extra will be posted when posting resumes.
New posts are shared in the Discord’s #NFTruman channel before Twitter
The NFTruman collection is an art collection for those who want to remember this unique, special moment in NFT/internet history, where we see the birth of something new. If I was going to make an NFT collection, I wanted it to be unique and impossible in real life.
You will find no randomly computer-generated NFT’s in this collection.
We have been kept apart from one another for two years.
Let us share in what makes us the same and brings us together with snapshots from NFTruman’s life that remind us of our shared humanity.
No other NFT project touches on our humanity the way NFTruman does.
The Team
Every NFTruman NFT is hand crafted in colorful vector art by the creator, graphic artist, game designer and animator, Kai M.F.S. (Profile Art by Jitse Lemmens)
For our descriptions and copy, we have the author of Spacecrime Domino, available on Amazon. The writer on this team has made less mistakes than the other two.
Our marketing lead was a diversity hire. Have you noticed NFTruman’s marketing is terrible? It’s this guy’s fault. He steals our chocolate too, never brings his own.
After years in games & entertainment and writing a sci-fi novel 160 years in our future, I see an amazing and essential part of our future being born with NFT’s and I want to contribute something unique and beautiful to the space for this time. I have a lot of ideas for how NFT’s will change our lives, but since I’m new here, I want to establish my reliability and show that I am committed to creating incredible things, starting with NFTruman.