Youth NFTruman Coming Mar 1!

It’s that time again!

NFTruman is getting older! In January he was a baby, in February he’s been a kid, and starting March 1, he’ll be a youth! He’ll essentially between the ages of 9 and 14. He’s not quite a teenager yet, but he will be soon…

In March I’m hoping to get more pictures with some of NFTruman’s friends (with their parents’ permission) and maybe sending a camera with him to school!

Now that the website is up, my plan is to update the website so we can see every NFTruman here in one place, as well as profiles for NFTruman and the various characters in his life. That will be especially important since I’m hoping to hold the first vote on NFTruman’s life on April!

Just like when NFTruman was a baby, the last 3 days of him as a Kid will not be listed and will be reserved for a future giveaway.

What do you want to see from Youth NFTruman?

Do you have anything fun you’d like to see from NFTruman as a Youth? Join the Discord and let me know! You can also leave a comment here. Just because we aren’t voting yet doesn’t mean you can’t be involved in influencing the collection!

Follow @NF_Truman on twitter for updates (I haven’t posted all week but I’m going to catch up)